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Vesta-100C Heavy Equipment Database

Vesta 100C is a cloud-based database to help track and manage your heavy equipment utilization. This database tracks the following aspects of your asset’s daily operations:

  • Overview
  • Location (Zip Code or GPS)
  • Manuals
  • Equipment Maintenance

The database tracks the following activities:

(1) Journey

  • Daily
    • Vehicles’ Daily movement
  • Distance Travelled
    • By State
    • Vehicle
    • Geofence
    • Good for IFTA Reporting
  • Geofence
    • Time Spent at Certain locations
  • Cost Analysis
    • Total Daily costs
    • Driving Time
    • Time On-site
    • Wasted Fuel
  • Return Trip Summary
    • Summary of Return Trips
    • Selected Geofences
    • On-site Time per Stop
    • On-site Time per Day

(2) Detailed Activities

  • Detailed Activities
    • Travel History
    • Vehicle Location
    • Engine-on Times
    • Idling Times
    • Drive Times
    • Distance Travelled
  • Fleet Summary
    • Summary of Behavior Over Specified Time
  • Sensors
    • When and Where the Sensors Have Been Used
  • Proximity
    • When the Driver(s) Stopped Too Close to each other

(3) Administration

  • Daily Timecard
  • Weekly Timesheet
    • Driver’s Daily Hours/week
    • Start/End Time
    • Overtime
  • Payroll Summary
    • Driver’s Daily Hours/Period
  • User Activity
    • All Active Users

(4) Safety

  • Speeding
    • Speeding Violations Over Speed Limits
  • Driving Style (Summary)
    • Harsh Driving Violations
    • Hard Braking
    • Cornering
    • Quick-Starts
  • Harsh Driving Incident (Breakdown)
    • Harsh Driving Violations
    • Hard Braking
    • Cornering
    • Quick-Starts

(5) Fuel

  • Fuel Efficiency
    • Efficiency Against Speeding, Idling, and Harsh Driving
  • Fuel Purchased
    • Fuel Purchased by Vehicle
  • Lost Fuel
    • If Vehicle Was not a Fuel Pump When Fuel Card Was Used
    • Fuel Purchased Exceeds the Vehicle’s Tank Capacity
  • Carbon Footprint
    • Carbon Footprint of Vehicles

(6) Vehicle Health

  • Vehicle Maintenance
  • Service Plans and Maintenance History


Location (Zip Code or GPS)

Equipment Manuals


Call today and one of our sales representatives or consultants located throughout the US (CA, TX, FL, or MN) will contact you for any questions, or free consultation. We also have sales offices in Chile for our South American customers. You can also call our corporate offices in Alabama at (256) 585-7368, or by email at: contactus.com. Visit our website at: www.compigroup.com

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