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VESTA-100C Construction Equipment GPS Tracker

VESTA-100C is a cloud-based database to help track and manage your heavy equipment utilization by GPS.

Product Price $ 70.00
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Product Description

VESTA-100C is a cloud-based database to help track and manage your heavy equipment utilization by GPS. This database tracks the following aspects of your asset’s daily operations:

  • Overview
  • Location (Zip Code or GPS)
  • Manuals
  • Equipment Maintenance

The database tracks the following activities:

(1) Journey

  • Daily
    • Vehicles’ Daily movement
  • Distance Travelled
    • By State
    • Vehicle
    • Geofence
    • Good for IFTA Reporting
  • Geofence
    • Time Spent at Certain locations
  • Cost Analysis
    • Total Daily costs
    • Driving Time
    • Time On-site
    • Wasted Fuel
  • Return Trip Summary
    • Summary of Return Trips
    • Selected Geofences
    • On-site Time per Stop
    • On-site Time per Day

(2) Detailed Activities

  • Detailed Activities
    • Travel History
    • Vehicle Location
    • Engine-on Times
    • Idling Times
    • Drive Times
    • Distance Travelled
  • Fleet Summary
    • Summary of Behavior Over Specified Time
  • Sensors
    • When and Where the Sensors Have Been Used
  • Proximity
    • When the Driver(s) Stopped Too Close to each other

(3) Administration

  • Daily Timecard
  • Weekly Timesheet
    • Driver’s Daily Hours/week
    • Start/End Time
    • Overtime
  • Payroll Summary
    • Driver’s Daily Hours/Period
  • User Activity
    • All Active Users

(4) Safety

  • Speeding
    • Speeding Violations Over Speed Limits
  • Driving Style (Summary)
    • Harsh Driving Violations
    • Hard Braking
    • Cornering
    • Quick-Starts
  • Harsh Driving Incident (Breakdown)
    • Harsh Driving Violations
    • Hard Braking
    • Cornering
    • Quick-Starts

(5) Fuel

  • Fuel Efficiency
    • Efficiency Against Speeding, Idling, and Harsh Driving
  • Fuel Purchased
    • Fuel Purchased by Vehicle
  • Lost Fuel
    • If Vehicle Was not a Fuel Pump When Fuel Card Was Used
    • Fuel Purchased Exceeds the Vehicle’s Tank Capacity
  • Carbon Footprint
    • Carbon Footprint of Vehicles

(6) Vehicle Health

  • Vehicle Maintenance
  • Service Plans and Maintenance History

The VESTA-100C database contains four (4) sections or modules:

  • Overview

The Overview module allows the user to view general information about specific equipment. It shows a representative picture of the equipment as well as geospatial data (optional).

  • Equipment Location (Zip Code/GPS)

The Location (Zip Code/GPS) Module allows the user to manually track the approximate geographical location based on the vehicle’s zip code. If the vehicle has a GPS Tracking device connected to the vehicle’s OBD-II port, the database will provide the exact geospatial location of the equipment in addition to other parameters.

  • Equipment Manuals
  • Equipment Maintenance



VERIZON GPS Tracker is required.



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